Saturday, August 9, 2008

Traveling and Back Home Again

We are home now from traveling...whew! We had a great time seeing many friends and family. We were on the road for most of July and went all over the place. One stop was in Quitman, Ga, where Rupert had the opportunity to marry Spence Romine and his new bride. We had a great time and so enjoyed see friends from the past.

Congrats Spence!!

While we were in south Ga, we had a chance to visit Valdosta again which was a walk down memory lane for us. VSU is growing and growing. No more Hopper Hall. They have torn it down to make room for a newer, bigger building.
For all you VSU alums, this picture was taken driving on Oak St. We had just past the Blazer Grill on our left and this is where Hopper Hall use to stand. If you turn right into campus here, the Blazer is on your right.

There were so many memories we made there. It was a bit emotional driving by Powell Hall (yes, it is still there), the building we used to hold our Campus Outreach meetings. My life and so many lives of student were changed through the Gospel of Jesus Christ here at VSU.

This was our first house Rupert and I lived in when we were married.....

We went on to see Rupert's parents in Clemson and then on to Barnwell where Rupert's sister, husband and nephew live. He spoke in several churches while we were gone updating people on the ministry here in the triangle.
We are back in Durham now. Boy it took me a LONG time to get settled back in, but we did it. We even began school August 6. Payton is beginning 3rd grade and with a huge grin, Jordan has begun Kindergarten. Here they are taking a break from school and playing "Chubby Bunny". Remember that game on a beach project or two.


amy said...

Hey Lisa and Rupert! Nice to see you have a blog--I'll be sure to keep up with you now. My Dad is nearby you guys...he lives about 20minutes north of Durham. Take care!

Amy Vining Huff

Ali said...

I have also passed on the super spiritual game of chubby bunny! They loved it! Mike and I talk about our time in Valdosta alot! Those were the days we slept on Sunday's and did whatever we wanted on Saturday and the only naptime we were concerned with was OURS!!!
We started "school" last week, it sure is fun! How do you balance your younger kids? That was my one thing last week. I know that I need to meet Ella's little needs, but I'm just a little struggling with that. Any tips?