Saturday, May 24, 2008

Chariot Racing

One of the things I have absolutely loved this year about homeschooling is how much I am learning about World History. I have been so intrigued by how the events of history are all coming together. I am beginning to understand how the stories of the Bible fit into the history of our world. Over the last several weeks, Payton and I have been studying the Roman Empire. From the buildings like The Pantheon to the chariot races at Circus Maximus, the Roman world has come alive. One afternoon, I heard laughter coming from the other room when I realized Payton, Jordan and Blake were having their own chariot races. It is so exciting to see their learning lived out during play time.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Jordan's Game

Today was Jordan's turn at soccer. He enjoys playing, but really enjoys the new friends he has met. Below is a video of him. He is a bit hard to find....look for number 28.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Soccer Days

Saturdays are so fun for us. Each child plays on his own team. Blake had to miss his game this morning because of his injury yesterday. Payton's game was at 11:40 this morning. Great is a short video.....

Friday, May 16, 2008


Our day started out as it normally does with breakfast and chores. As Payton and I finished up our week of homeschooling, Blake came in to find a puzzle. While cleaning out our bookshelf earlier this morning, I found our alphabet train puzzle. I gave it to Blake, wondering if he could do it on his own. I made a point of not being in the same room with him, so he would not ask me which letter came next. To my delight, he was doing it on his own....and he slowly figured out the entire puzzle completely on his own!!! Learning our letters has been a bit difficult, so what an accomplishment.

But our day ended quite differently than most days. I was in the school room when I heard the door slam and then came the ear piercing screams. I ran to see what happened and found Blake on the floor. Holding his finger, I learned that he slammed his finger in the door. I didn't think it was going to be that bad and tried to settle him, but when I looked at it.....sighhh. It was bad. I was so thankful Rupert was home. I won't go into the detail, but we decided we needed to take him to Duke Urgent Care that was less than a mile from our house. They took him right in. Nothing was broken, thankfully.