Saturday, June 7, 2008

Summer has begun

We had such a great time playing soccer. All three boys had great times, yet learned a lot. It is somewhat nice to have our Saturdays back. Sometimes we were at the soccer fields most of the day. I was especially thankful for the mild weather. Jordan is enjoying his end of the season treat below.

We are not quite sure where those mild days went (as I am sure you feel the same way). It is 97 degrees now at 6:15 pm. Our boys are getting a bit restless while being stuck in the house. We definitely miss the access to the pool we had in our last neighborhood. One day last week, Blake was searching for something to do. If I had only heard the silence in the house...... You can see what he decided to do to entertain himself:

I tried not to laugh....but. Look how proud he was of it. I just decided this was our usherance into the summer hair cut. It would be cooler anyway.
Ahhhh, I am sure they are cooler...and you can see their eyes a bit better...don't you think?

Rupert is enjoying a bit of a break as the students here have gone away for the summer. He gets to enjoy the kids a bit more than usual. He loves to hang out with his "dardin".....


Anna Morrison said...

We MISS you guys! As your hubby is away, let me help with the kids.
That is too funny about Blake. I know if Kalen were with him, he would be sporting the same proud cut.
Let's chat soon. :)

The Severances said...

I LOVE your blog. Thank you for telling me about it! I hate that I missed your call. Send me your email so i can invite you to my blog. let's talk soon.